Good Vibes

2023, IT / AT
95 min

Feature Film, Thriller / Fantasy

Director: Janet De Nardis

Screenplay: Janet De Nardis

Production: Toed, Stemo Media Group, We Power, ELLLY Films

Producers: Elly Senger-Weiss

Cast: Caterina Murino, Vincent Riotta, Nicola Pecci, Ludovico Fremont, Andrea De Rosa, Leonardo Santini, Giulia Petrungaro

Good Vibes is a film that deals with the theme of technology and its usages, especially the protection of privacy, in a fantasy-technological key and dramatic tones. A film in episodes, linked with eachother. In a breathtaking journey, we will follow the destiny of a cursed phone, its owners and the people that get in touch with it.

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